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Bankers, policymakers say Europe's crisis not over

Written By Unknown on Sabtu, 26 Januari 2013 | 23.24

By Emma Thomasson and Alexander Smith

DAVOS, Switzerland (Reuters) - International bankers and finance ministers warned on Saturday that Europe's crisis was not over even though the euro currency is now stabilised, it will take years to overcome economic malaise and mass unemployment in Europe.

After a private meeting of leading commercial bankers, government officials, central bankers and trade union officials,

Swedish Finance Minister Anders Borg told Reuters: "There is a clear divide between the financial markets, who think a lot of this is fixed, and the people in the real economy and particularly from our side as the governments."

Unemployment in Europe would only fall from 11.8 to 11.7 percent this year, growth was stagnant, real wages were not rising in most countries and it would take countries such as Sweden and France years to reform their labour markets, he said.

"So it is very dangerous to declare that the crisis is over because that would undermine the crisis insight that we need to have among the companies, among the population, among the unions, to be able to go through this process," Borg said.

Sweden is not a member of the 17-nation euro zone and Borg has been among the strongest critics of the bloc's handling of its sovereign debt crisis since late 2009.

International Monetary Fund Managing Director Christine Lagarde and Deutsche Bank co-chief executive Anshu Jain, who co-chaired the closed-door meeting on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum in Davos, declined to speak to reporters.

Participants said the mood this year was far more relaxed than 12 months ago, when there was a sense of emergency about saving the single currency from break-up.

European Central Bank President Mario Draghi left Davos for home before the meeting and EU Economic and Monetary Affairs Commissioner Olli Rehn, who was in Davos, did not attend.

Lagarde said in a speech on Thursday it was vital for Europe, the United States and Japan to keep up the momentum for economic reform and put their public finances in order at an appropriate pace, without crushing growth.

Chinese central bank deputy governor Yi Gang, who attended the session, said he had voiced most concern about trade protectionism and the negative consequences of money-printing by the U.S., Japanese, British and other central banks.

"Protectionism is a big problem and also you see quantitative easing of developed economies is generating uncertainties in financial markets in terms of capital flow," he told Reuters in an interview.

"There is too much liquidity, a glut of global liquidity. Competitive devaluation is certainly one aspect of that. If everybody is QE or super QE and you want to depreciate, what currency do you depreciate against?"

One senior European commercial banker, who declined to be identified, said financial market optimism that the risk of a break-up of the euro was over had gotten ahead of reality.

"The crisis is not over and the notion that tail risk is gone is a dangerous one," the banker said.

The economic term "tail risk" refers to the possibility of an asset suddenly losing value due to a rare event.

Rehn told Reuters the conclusion of this year's Davos meetings about the euro was "no tail risk, growing confidence, no complacency, stay the course".

However, a larger-than-expected early repayment of cheap three-year loans by some euro zone banks to the European Central Bank on Friday fuelled sentiment that the worst of the single currency's debt crisis is now over and markets are stabilising.

Banks are expected to repay more than 130 billion euros of crisis loans to the European Central Bank next week in a sign that at least some parts of the financial system are returning to health.

The ECB made over 1 trillion euros in ultra-cheap three-year loans to banks in lending operations in December 2011 and February 2012, a process which ECB President Mario Draghi said had "avoided a major, major credit crunch".

(Writing by Paul Taylor; editing by Jason Neely)

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Fire guts Bangladesh garment factory, six killed

DHAKA (Reuters) - Fire raced through a small garment factory in the Bangladesh capital on Saturday, killing at least six employees and injuring 10, firefighters and witnesses said, two months after the country's worst factory blaze killed 112 workers.

Fire service officials said the fire at Smart Fashions, housed in the upper floor of a two-storey building in the suburb of Mohammadpur, appeared to start in a tyre repair and welding shop downstairs. But the exact cause was still to be determined.

Firefighters and police combed the building after the blaze was brought under control and pulled out six bodies.

"Everything inside the factory has been gutted," a Reuters photographer said.

A fire at Tazreen Fashions Limited in a Dhaka suburb in November killed 112 workers and injured at least 150, a blaze that focused world attention on poor safety standards in the country's garment sector.

Working conditions at Bangladeshi factories are notoriously poor, with little enforcement of safety laws. Overcrowding and locked fire doors are common.

Bangladesh has about 4,500 garment factories and is the world's biggest exporter of clothing after China, with garments making up 80 percent of its $24 billion annual exports.

Officials in the industry have demanded quick implementation of recommendations to improve standrds in a report that concluded the Tazreen blaze was the result of both sabotage and negligence.

Western clothing brands, including Wal-Mart Stores Inc, have announced tougher measures to ensure safety standards are upheld.

(Reporting by Anis Ahmed; Editing by Ron Popeski)

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France says forces in Mali seize airport, bridge at rebel-held Gao

KONNA, Mali (Reuters) - French forces in Mali have seized the airport and the bridge over the Niger River at the Islamist rebel-held stronghold of Gao, the French Defence Ministry said on Saturday.

French and Malian forces have advanced rapidly against Islamist militant fighters holding the Saharan north of the West African state after France intervened earlier this month at the request of the Malian government.

(Reporting by James Regan, David Lewis; Writing by Pascal Fletcher)

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China's jumbo air freighter test flight a success - Xinhua

BEIJING (Reuters) - China has conducted a successful test flight of its first domestically developed jumbo air freighter, the official state news agency Xinhua reported on Saturday.

The Yun-20, or Transport-20, is designed for long-distance air transport of both cargo and passengers, Xinhua reported.

"The successful maiden flight of Yun-20 is significant in promoting China's economic and national defence build-up as well as bettering its emergency handling such as disaster relief and humanitarian aid," Xinhua said, adding that further test flights are scheduled.

China is determined to reduce dependency on foreign firms such as Boeing, Airbus, General Electric and Rolls Royce Plc for the country's soaring demand for planes and engines.

Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC), the country's dominant military and commercial aviation contractor, has lobbied for Beijing to back a multi-billion dollar plan to build a high-performance engine.

Meanwhile a host of design flaws has delayed approval by the Civil Aviation Administration of China for the country's homegrown 90-seat ARJ21 regional passenger jet.

At last November's China Airshow, China unveiled 50 new orders for its COMAC C919 passenger jet which is designed to challenge Airbus and Boeing in the largest segment of the $100 billion annual jetliner market.

The orders for the 150-seat jet boosted the official tally to 380, reaching the state-owned Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China's declared breakeven point of 300-400 orders.

However, analysts say it will be some time before the aircraft, due to make its maiden flight in 2014, proves both its technical worth and its financial viability.

(Reporting by Nick Edwards; editing by Jason Neely)

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Sri Lanka beat Australia by 5 wickets in first T20

REUTERS - Sri Lanka beat Australia by five wickets in the first Twenty20 International in Sydney on Saturday to go 1-0 up in the two-match series.

Melbourne hosts the second and final match on Monday.

Score: Australia 137-3 in 20 overs (D. Warner 90 not out) v Sri Lanka 139-5 in 18.5 overs (A Mathews 35 not out, K Perera 33).

(Reporting by Amlan Chakraborty in New Delhi; editing by Pritha Sarkar)

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Violence kills 22 in Egypt after court ruling - TV

CAIRO (Reuters) - Twenty-two people were killed on Saturday in violence that erupted in Port Said, northeast of Egypt's capital, after protesters took to the street angry that people from their city had be blamed for a soccer disaster, state television said.

More than 200 people were also injured, state television reported, citing the Health Ministry.

A court ruled on Saturday that 21 people, mostly from the city, were sentenced to death for their role in the stadium disaster in Port Said that killed 74 people.

(Reporting by Omar Fahmy; Writing by Edmund Blair; Editing by Andrew Heavens)

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Five Indian sailors kidnapped off Nigeria freed

ABUJA (Reuters) - Five Indian sailors kidnapped when their ship was attacked off the coast of Nigeria last month have been released, the vessel's operating company said on Saturday.

Pirates looted the SP Brussels, an oil and chemicals tanker, on December 17 about 40 miles (65 km) off the coast of the Niger Delta, a vast wetlands region home to Africa's largest energy industry.

"Five crew members who were taken from the vessel by armed men ... have been released," Medallion Marine said in a statement. "All five are reported to be in good health after their ordeal."

There were no details on how they were freed but in the past ransoms have been paid. The Nigerian navy had no immediate comment.

Piracy and kidnapping in Nigeria's oil-producing Delta and offshore are common. The Gulf of Guinea is second only to the waters off Somalia for the risk of pirate attacks, which drives up shipping and oil industry costs.

Nigeria is a busy oil shipping route. The West African country is among the world's top 10 crude oil exporters and imports around 80 percent of the fuel products needed for its 160 million people due to a lack of domestic refining capacity.

(Reporting by Joe Brock; Editing by Janet Lawrence)

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Chile seeks India trade pact expansion

SANTIAGO (Reuters) - Chile hopes to sign a free trade agreement with Thailand soon and is seeking to expand a limited one it has with India, as the Andean country looks to deepen its open, export-dependent model, foreign affairs minister Alfredo Moreno said on Saturday.

The country is also working on broader agreements, including with fellow Pacific Alliance members Colombia, Mexico and Peru as well as negotiations for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).

"Chile has just concluded negotiations with Thailand, I expect (the agreement) will be signed soon," Moreno said. "And (Chile) is starting negotiations with India to expand the very limited agreement we have with India."

He didn't provide details of the agreements or time frames.

External trade represents around 75 percent of Chile's Gross Domestic Product (GDP). World No.1 copper producer Chile also exports wine, fruits, salmon and wood pulp.

The South American country has increasingly turned to Asia as a growing market for its products.

(Reporting by Silene Ramirez; Writing by Alexandra Ulmer; Editing by Doina Chiacu)

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Thousands to march against gun violence in Washington

By Ian Simpson

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Residents of Newtown, Connecticut, site of a mass school shooting that reignited the U.S. gun violence debate, will take part in a Washington march for gun control on Saturday with activists, politicians and actors.

Thousands of protesters were expected for the rally on the National Mall, part of about a dozen across the United States in favor of gun control, organizers said in a statement.

Demonstrators will gather at the Capitol Reflecting Pool and march down Constitution Avenue toward the Washington Monument at 11 a.m. A rally was scheduled to take place near the monument just before noon.

Molly Smith, artistic director of Washington's Arena Stage, and her partner organized the march. They were motivated by the December 14 massacre that killed 20 first-graders and six adults at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown.

Politicians from Maryland and the District of Columbia, including Washington Mayor Vincent Gray, were scheduled to speak. Actress Kathleen Turner, star of such movies as "Body Heat," was among the scheduled speakers.

The march comes a week after gun rights supporters held rallies across the country to oppose firearms control.

The Newtown massacre has galvanized the U.S. debate on guns and spurred President Barack Obama to propose the most significant gun-control steps in decades.

Obama wants to revive a ban on military-style assault weapons, a proposal that faces a tough battle in Congress. He also wants to put in place mandatory background checks for all gun buyers, a step viewed as having a better chance of success.

Gun ownership rights are enshrined in the U.S. Constitution. They are closely guarded by gun advocates, such as the National Rifle Association.

About 11,100 Americans died in gun-related killings in 2011, according to preliminary data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. There were 19,766 suicides by firearms in 2011, the CDC said.

The Washington rally is co-sponsored by One Million Moms for Gun Control, which is organizing about a dozen similar events in cities that include San Francisco and Austin, Texas.

(Reporting by Ian Simpson)

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First Patriot missiles to defend Turkey against Syria go active

By Yesim Dikmen

ADANA, Turkey (Reuters) - The first of six Patriot missile batteries being sent by NATO countries to defend Turkey from possible attack from Syria went operational on Saturday.

The United States, Germany and the Netherlands are each sending two batteries to Turkey and up to 400 soldiers to operate them after Ankara asked NATO for help. The Patriots are capable of shooting down hostile missiles in mid-air.

The frontier has become a flashpoint in the 22-month insurgency against President Bashar al-Assad, with Syrian government shells frequently landing inside Turkish territory, drawing a response in kind from Ankara's military.

"Behind us there is the first NATO Patriot battery in Turkey which is operational at the moment. That means that it is up and running. It is under NATO command and control," said Polish Army Lieutenant Colonel Dariusz Kacperczyk, NATO spokesman for the Patriot deployment.

A battery sent by the Netherlands, consisting of five missile launchers, has been deployed next to an airport on the edge of Adana, a city of around 1.6 million 120 km (75 miles) from the Syrian border. A second battery of seven launchers is at a U.S.-Turkish air base east of the city.

At Adana airport, the truck-mounted launchers were raised in the air, pointing at Syria.

"Think of it as a bullet being fired from one side and we have got a fierce bullet that shoots down the other bullet," said Lieutenant-Colonel Marcel Buis, commander of the Dutch Patriots.

The batteries are being stationed around three southeastern Turkish cities and NATO says they will protect 3.5 million Turks from missile attack. All are expected to be in place and operational by the end of January.

Tensions have increased in recent weeks after NATO said it had detected launches of short-range ballistic missiles inside Syria, several of which have landed close to the Turkish border. Turkey has scrambled warplanes along the frontier, fanning fears the war could spread and further destabilise the region.

Syria has called the deployment of the Patriot batteries "provocative" while Iran and Russia, which have supported Syria throughout the uprising, have criticised NATO's decision, saying the Patriot deployment would intensify the conflict.

Turkey and NATO have strongly denied the Patriot missiles are a precursor to a no-fly zone that Syrian rebels have been requesting to help them hold territory against a government with overwhelming firepower from the air.

All six Patriot batteries will be connected directly to allied air command in Ramstein, Germany.

The Ramstein command and control centre receives intelligence on missile firings in Syria and will alert the Patriot batteries to any missile launch. The Patriot batteries will then watch the arcs of the missiles and react if they threaten a Turkish city.

(Writing by Jonathon Burch; editing by Andrew Roche)

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Odisha seeks extension of 100 days job cap under MGNREGA

Written By Unknown on Sabtu, 19 Januari 2013 | 23.24

Bhubaneswar, Jan 19 (PTI) Seeking steps to raise the cap of 100 days jobs under the rural employment scheme, the Odisha government today decided to provide work to labourers for unlimited days in Bolangir and Nuapada districts under MGNREGA with the state to bear the extra cost. "We have decided to extend the 100 days limit for providing jobs to people in migration-prone Bolangir and Nuapada districts. As Centre has put a 100 days cap on giving work to a job card holder's family, the state government will bear the extra cost," Panchayati Raj minister Kalpataru Das said. The minister, who attended the State Employment Guarantee Council meeting presided over by Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik, said there would be no limit for job card holders in Bolangir and Nuapada where people were migrating to other states in search of jobs. "We have urged the Ministry of Rural Development to extend the cap and allow the state government to give jobs beyond 100 days as per their requirement in all the 30 districts," the minister said. The state government has also recommended increase in the daily wage under MGNREGA from Rs 116 to Rs 150, Das said. A large number of people from Bolangir and Nuapada migrate to Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh and Maharashtra in search of work as they were landless marginal agricultural labourers. There were villages in these two districts where the entire population migrated to other states after the harvest season in December every year. While the state government has been demanding extension of the cap of 100 days, an official source said that at least 80 families in Nuapada district completed 100 days work in 2012. Besides, the minister said, the state government would prepare a five-year perspective plan to provide maximum work to the people in need. The state government has also decided to undertake construction of Anganwadi centres under MGNREGA, he said. The state government has targeted to create 9 crore man days by spending Rs 2,000 crore under MGNREGA in 2012-13. Presiding over the meeting, the chief minister told officials to ensure MGNREGA work for beneficiaries of Forest Rights Acts and members of the Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Group (PVTG). PTI AAM SKN PC HKS

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Counterfeit Indian notes worth Rs 3.5 lakh recovered

Chennai, Jan 19 (PTI) Counterfeit Indian currency notes with a face value of over Rs 3.5 lakh was recovered and three persons were arrested in this connection, police said today. Acting on information provided by one accused Munnaf who was arrested during a vehicle check, the two other accused were nabbed today, police said. The arrests were arrested during a lookout for a notorious offender, Mohammed Rafiq, they said. A special team has been formed to nab Rafiq who is still absconding, police said. PTI SA APR ASY MVV

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Rather said: "PRGC is an appropriate forum constituted by Rather said: "PRGC is an appropriate forum constituted by the government for the convenience of different sectors of trade and economy to provide them around the year opportunity for redressing their grievances in a time bound manner, in addition to the platform of pre-budget discussions." The minister asked the business community to take up their demand about tax reforms in the Committee for threadbare discussion. The Minister informed that full computerisation of the Commercial Taxes Department will start from April 2013, which will go a long way in providing online dealing facilities to the traders and dealers. He said commissioning of Rs 43 crore New Toll Plaza Lakhanpur will also remove hardships of the business community in a big way. Rather said that up-gradation of the Jammu airport for international flights on the lines of Srinagar airport will be started immediately to give boost to the tourism and trade activities in the Jammu province. Rather said all the genuine views and reasonable suggestions expressed during the discussions would be incorporated in the next year's budget proposals. He said government is committed to develop cordial relations with business community and the tax authorities have been asked not to harass them on petty issues. "They have been directed to behave politely and maintain better and cordial relation with the dealers and traders during dealings with them", Rather asserted. He also called for minimising seizure of goods at Toll posts, saying that confiscations should be the last resort, to be done only in exceptional circumstances. PTI AB DK STS SA MR

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(REOPENS CAL5) (REOPENS CAL5) Slamming the union government for delaying the passage of the Lokpal Bill, Karat said, "The standing committee and other committees has come to a broad agreement about the main main features of the bill. Despite this the government didn't take the bill for adoption. "It's agenda was different, it was more interested in passing the banking bill and other bills. So first step is to see that Lokpal Bill is adopted by the Parliament without any delay," Karat said. On the issue of land acquisition, Karat maintained that the government has to play a role otherwise land sharks would have a free run. "We had supported the provision of 80 per cent consent of landowners in case of land acquisition," Karat, adding the government must play a role in land acquisition because it will ensure protection from land sharks. "We are not in favour of leaving it to the market." Karat also said that his party was not in favour of the SEZ policy in its present form. "Acquisition of land for SEZ should not be exempted. There are lot of exemptions given for land acquisition for railways, mining. We are demanding that all these acquisitions should come under the purview of new land acquisition bill. We are not in favour of tax exemptions regarding SEZ," Karat said Karat said his party would campaign nationwide against the UPA on food security, price rise and unemployment with jathas to propagate the party's stand on major issues affecting the people and the alternative policies of the Left. He said that five crore signatures would be collected on food security and for a universal public distribution system which would be submitted to the Prime Minister when the budget session of Parliament began in February. PTI PNT PC HKS

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Post 'Tourism Mart' familiarisation tours to the Post 'Tourism Mart' familiarisation tours to the North-East states organised for overseas delegates will give them first hand knowledge of the destinations and help them to effectively promote these destinations, Chiranjeevi said. The three-day international mart, which will conclude on January 20, has brought together the business fraternity and entrepreneurs from the eight North-Eastern states and West Bengal. Around 83 buyer delegates from 23 countries including Bangladesh, Bhutan, Japan, Korea, Australia, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, Sweden, UK and USA besides those from ASEAN are participating in the mart, official sources said. The delegates would be treated tomorrow to cruise on Brahmaputra river and elephant ride at Pabitors wildlife sanctuary, which has the world's highest concentration of endangered one horned rhinos, the sources added. PTI SB KK ASY

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Sat, Jan 19, 2013 at 21:02


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Rahul will lead the party in 2014 general elections: Rahul will lead the party in 2014 general elections: Dwivedi. PTI SPG AMR VSC RT

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Lalu supports bigger role for Rahul in 2014 polls

Patna, Jan 19 (PTI) RJD President Lalu Prasad today supported giving a bigger role to Congress General Secretary Rahul Gandhi in the 2014 Lok Sabha elections. "This will be a good thing (giving a bigger role to Rahul in 2014 general polls)," Prasad told reporters here. "Every party projects its leader in elections ... So, what's wrong if Congress gives bigger role to Rahul Gandhi?" said Prasad whose party supports UPA II government from outside. To questions about the political experience of Rahul Gandhi, he said "when I had become Chief Minister of Bihar for the first time in 1990, I had no experience ... Everybody learns through experience." Asked about the possibility of a direct fight between Rahul Gandhi and Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi in the next parliamentary polls, Prasad said "wait everything will be clear soon." RJD, he said, would join hands with like-minded secular parties to defeat communal forces in 2014 general elections. PTI SNS KK PAL

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BJP to launch toll-free number to connect with people in UP

By Abhishek Bajpai Lucknow, Jan 19 (PTI) To regain its lost base in politically sensitive Uttar Pradesh ahead of the upcoming Lok Sabha polls, BJP will launch a toll-free number to get suggestions and complaints from people and party workers. "The party will launch a toll-free service on January 21 through which complaints and suggestions lodged by the people, specially the party workers, will reach the national leadership," party spokesman Vijay Bahadur Pathak told PTI. Pathak said that the aim of the exercise was to take the party closer to the people as well as the workers. He also said that on the start of 'Atal Sankalp Yatra' on January 21, the party of former UP chief minister Kalyan Singh would merge with the BJP. "On the same day, the party will start an ambitious toll free number on which any person from the state can lodge his complaint or suggestion," Pathak said. He said that to launch the service, conceptualised by the state president Laxmi Kant Bajpai, the party has tied up with a private telecome operator. The service would be launched by the party president Nitin Gadkari. Pathak said that the dialer would have several options, "whether the caller wants to lodge a complaint related to the party or give a suggestion. Whether he has any problem with the government and local authorities and needs help," he said. The spokesman said that if the complaint, suggestion or request would be of local level, then it would be forwarded to the concerned leader within 15 minutes. He said that if the complaint or suggestion was of state or national level then it would be forwarded to the concerned leadership accordingly. He said that the senior party leaders have already started reaching Lucknow for the yatra, which would mark Kalyan's unofficial entry into BJP. In Assembly polls held last year, the BJP, despite bombarding the state with its top level leaders failed to win the confidence of the electorates and it could manage only 47 seats. The major cause behind the party's poor display was cited to be the workers disenchantment. PTI AVA PG SHS

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Youth icon Rahul faces daunting task to galvanise Congress

New Delhi, Jan 19 (PTI) Catapulted to the top rung of Congress leadership, the party's youth icon Rahul Gandhi, touted as the future prime minister, faces the daunting task of reversing the slide in its support base and harvest the soaring young population into its voters. A fourth-generation scion of the politically powerful Nehru–Gandhi family, 42-year-old Rahul's place under the sun has highlighted the party's lack of alternatives and its continuing reliance on the first political family for leadership and direction. Rahul, an AICC General Secretary before being elevated to the post of Vice-President, raised his political profile and emerged from his parents' shadow in charting UPA's return to power in 2009 and helping the party's resurgence in Uttar Pradesh. He brought the most unexpected cheer to Congress in the 2009 Lok Sabha elections and the party will now look up to him for a hat-trick at the Centre. The Congress MP from Amethi in Uttar Pradesh, widely credited for bringing young faces in the Congress at the grassroot level, has been learning the political ropes by spending time in his constituency and other villages. After helping Congress in bagging 21 out of the 80 seats in Uttar Pradesh in the 2009 Lok Sabha elections, his party's showing in the 2012 Assembly elections in the crucial state came as a dampener despite extensively campaigning. The party came a disappointing fourth in the elections which was swept by Mulayam Yadav's Samajwadi party. Born on June 19, 1970, the son of assassinated former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi and his Italian-born widow, Sonia was seen as a shy man whose interests lay more in cricket matches and the outdoors than in political life. His decision to enter formal politics before the 2004 general election therefore took many by surprise.(MORE) PTI GSN GSN

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No relief from cold in Uttarakhand

Dehradun, Jan 19 (PTI) The sun shone bright across Uttarakhand today after two days of incessant rains in the plains and snowfall in the hills but there was no let up from the cold wave as a clear sky lead to a dip in mercury at most places with Mukteshwar and Tehri recording sub-zero temperatures. Though there was no fresh snowfall in Mussoorie and adjoining hills of Dhanolti, the temperature in Dehradun plunged sharply from yesterday's minimum of 9.3 deg C to 5.8 deg C, the MeT office said. Pithoragarh was the coldest at -3 deg C followed by Mukteshwar at -2.6 deg and Tehri at -2.0 deg C. The weatherman attributed the fall in temperature at most places to the absence of clouds which serve like a "blanket" and arrest the drop in mercury. However, a report from Uttarkashi said Harsil located at a height of 2,620 metres on way to Gangotri from where the Ganga originates in the Himalayas has been receiving snowfall over the past few days. PTI ALM SHS

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42 antique items unearthed on banks of river

Written By Unknown on Sabtu, 12 Januari 2013 | 23.24

Tiruchirapalli (TN) Jan 12 (PTI) A total of 42 antique items, including idols, were today unearthed at Panchakarai from the banks of the Coleroon river during construction work for a Yatri Niwas, officials said. The Joint Commissioner and executive Officer of the famous Ranganathasamy temple C Kalyani, said archaeological experts have been called in to ascertain the exact period to which these items belong Earlier in the day, a 'peetam' (base for erecting idols) and one big vessel and some lamps were recovered. PTI COR SSN APR HKS MAV

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Prayag United beat Clube 2-1 in an I-league tie

Sat, Jan 12, 2013 at 20:32

Prayag United beat Clube 2-1 in an I-league tie

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Prayag United beat Clube 2-1 in an I-league tie

Prayag United beat Clube 2-1 in an I-league tie

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Prayag United beat Clube 2-1 in an I-league tie

Prayag United beat Clube 2-1 in an I-league tie

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Mapusa, Jan 12 (PTI) Prayag United Sports Club completed a hat-trick of wins as they came from behind to defeat Sporting Clube de Goa 2-1 in an I-League match at the Duler Stadium in Mapusa, today. After victories over Dempo Sports Club and Pune FC, Prayag United started as favourites against Clube but Ogba Kalu's strike in the 24th minute seemed to upset the momentum of the Kolkata giants. Prayag, however turned the match around in the second half when Ranty Martins equalised in the 48th minute and Bello Rasaq scored the winner with a majestic free-kick in the 77th. Both teams started cautiously and it was not until the 20th minute when one got to see goal-mouth action as Ranty tested the rival goalkeeper with a couple of long rangers. Sporting surged ahead much against the run of play in the 24th minute when a smart free-kick from Pratesh Shirodkar saw Kalu receive the ball outside the box and unleash a fierce drive that deflected off a defender and crashed into the net. The goal stunned Prayag United, and although they were in control, there were not much openings. The only chance of the first half was when Costa Rican World Cupper Carlos Hernandez's powerful long ranger was tipped over the post by Sporting goalkeeper Ashok Singh. Prayag got the equaliser immediately after resumption of play in the second session. A long ball from Prayag's half was hesitantly covered by the Sporting defenders allowing Ranty the space to toe the ball home. They secured full points in the 77th minute when Sporting conceded a free-kick just outside the box. Bello stepped up and curled the ball into the goal to give the visitors deserving full points. PTI CORR KRK KHS KHS SNK

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Man from Pune held for making obscene calls to Pooja Bhatt

Mumbai, Jan 12 (PTI) A man from Pune, working for a telecom company, was today arrested for allegedly making threatening and obscene calls to actress and film producer Pooja Bhatt, police said. The accused identified as Ashish Swarnakar(28), who hails from Latur district, was picked up from Pune, police said adding that the motive behind making the calls was still being ascertained but preliminary probe suggested that he wanted to harass the actress. According to police, Swarnakar managed to get the mobile phone numbers of Bhatt and her film maker father Mahesh Bhatt from his neighbour Dhruv, who is a music composer. On Wednesday, Pooja Bhatt had lodged a complaint with Bandra police station stating that she was receiving obscene and threatening calls from an unidentified person. The caller had rung up Mahesh Bhatt as well but he did not attend the calls as his phone was on silent mode, police said. As cops were trying to track the mobile number from which the threatening calls were made, the accused kept changing the locations and switched off his phone many times, making it difficult for investigators to trace his location, Deputy Commissioner of Police Pratap Dighavkar said. Police said that they would be checking whether Swarnakar, who has no past criminal record, had made similar calls to any other celebrities. Swarnakar made three calls on Pooja's mobile phone but did not make any monetary demand or try to extort money from the complainant and has no connection with the family or their movie business, police said. Swarnakar, who has been booked under section 507 (criminal intimidation by anonymous communication) and 509 (word, gesture or act to outrage the modesty of a woman) of IPC, was produced in the court today which remanded him to judicial custody. PTI VM ABC KUN SNK

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Americans feel austerity's bite as payroll taxes rise

By Jason Lange

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Americans are beginning to feel the pinch from Washington's decision to embrace austerity measures aimed at bringing down the nation's budget deficit.

Paychecks across the country have shrunk over the last week due to higher federal tax rates, and workers are already cutting back on spending, which will drag on the economy this year.

In Warren, Rhode Island, Ben DeCastro got his first paycheck on Friday in which taxes on his wages rose by 2 percentage points. That works out to about $30 a week.

"You sit back and do the calculation, and that's $30 I'm not going to spend at a restaurant," said DeCastro.

He said he worries that people hit by higher taxes will spend less at the chain of furniture stores where he works as a marketing manager.

Politicians in Washington made much hubbub last week about a bipartisan deal to soften or postpone some $600 billion in scheduled tax hikes and government spending cuts. President Barack Obama said the deal would shield 98 percent of Americans from a middle-class tax hike.

Nevertheless, for most workers, rich and poor alike, taxes went up on December 31 as a temporary payroll tax cut expired. That cut - a 2 percentage point reduction in a levy that funds Social Security - was put in place two years ago to help the economy, which was still smarting from the 2007-09 recession.

About 160 million workers pay this tax, and the increase will cost the average worker about $700 a year, according to the Tax Policy Center, a Washington think tank.

"It stinks," said Beverly Renfroe, an accountant for a realty firm in Jackson, Mississippi. "I definitely noticed a decrease."

The pain will trickle through the economy over the next few weeks. Already, the new rate of 6.2 percent has trimmed paychecks for about half of the 200,000 employees whose paychecks are processed by Advantage Payroll Services, a payroll firm based in Auburn, Maine.


Economists estimate the payroll tax hike will reduce household incomes by a collective $125 billion this year. Some households could reduce contributions to retirement accounts or other savings, but most are also expected to cut back on spending.

That alone could reduce economic growth this year by about 0.6 percentage point, said Michael Feroli, an economist at JPMorgan in New York City.

"The headwind to growth should be noticeable," he said.

Most mainstream economists say the government should still be trying to stimulate the economy by lowering taxes or raising spending to help bring down the 7.8 percent jobless rate.

Even Federal Reserve Chairman Ban Bernanke has said Congress could consider short-term stimulus measures if they can be coupled with a plan to tame the deficit over the long run.

But a consensus has emerged between Congress and the White House that the federal government should step up the pace at which it cuts the deficit, which ballooned during the recession.

That decision is having repercussions across the country.

In Bergenfield, New Jersey, Evelyn Weiss Francisco has put off plans to upgrade her cell phone and thinks she might go to fewer music concerts. A director at a public relations firm, she thinks the higher payroll taxes will cost her about $1,000 this year.

Some Americans will also pay higher income taxes this year. Congress and Obama let income tax rates rise for households making more than $450,000 a year, a partial repeal of tax cuts put in place under President George W. Bush. The wealthy will also pay a new tax to help fund a health insurance reform passed in 2010.

These will have a smaller impact on the wider economy because they affect fewer people. But taken together, this year's tax hikes could subtract a full percentage point from growth, Feroli said.

Most economists see economic growth of roughly 2 percent this year, a lackluster pace held back by the government's austerity measures that is likely to do little to reduce unemployment.

Failure to postpone government spending cuts due to begin around March would slow growth more, further frustrating the economic recovery.


The blow to the economy from the tax hikes will hurt the most during the first half of the year as people adapt to their smaller paychecks.

Consumer spending, which drives more than two thirds of the economy, will likely grow at a mere 1 percent annual rate in the first quarter, and 1.5 percent in the second, said Sven Jari Stehn, an economist at Goldman Sachs in New York.

Nicki Hagen, who received her first reduced paycheck on January 4 and then another on Friday, estimates the higher taxes will shrink her paychecks by about $10 a week.

She has already started holding back from coffee-and-bagel runs made by coworkers at the home improvement company where she works as an office administrator in New York City.

She expects a much bigger hit to her family's income when her husband gets his first paycheck for 2013 on Tuesday.

The two will then sit down and figure out how to budget their money. They might cut cable channels, or take vacation days when their daughter is out of school to save on babysitter expenses.

"This is going to affect our lives," she said. (Additional reporting by Emily Le Coz in Jackson, Mississippi, and Jessica Toonkel in New York; Editing by Xavier Briand)

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Armstrong to admit to doping in Oprah interview - report

REUTERS - Lance Armstrong plans to admit to doping throughout his career in an interview with Oprah Winfrey next week, the American cyclist's first interview since being stripped of his seven Tour de France titles, USA Today reported on Saturday.

But Armstrong, 41, likely will not offer great detail about specific cases and events, the paper said, citing an unidentified source with knowledge of the situation.

The interview is scheduled to tape on Monday at Armstrong's home in Austin, Texas, and set to air on Thursday on the Oprah Winfrey Network.

Such an admission would mark a major reversal for the famed cyclist. Armstrong has always vehemently denied using performance-enhancing drugs and has never been proven to have tested positive.

But an October report from the U.S. anti-doping body USADA cited Armstrong's involvement in what it characterized as the "most sophisticated, professionalized and successful doping program that sport has ever seen," involving anabolic steroids, human growth hormone, blood transfusions and other doping.

Less than two weeks later, Armstrong's seven Tour de France victories were nullified and he was banned from cycling for life after the International Cycling Union ratified the USADA's sanctions against him.

The New York Times reported last week that Armstrong was considering an admission of using banned drugs with the hopes of persuading anti-doping officials to allow him to resume competition in athletic events that adhere to the World Anti-Doping Code.

Another motivation might be to keep the scandal from hurting Livestrong, the cancer-support charity he founded in 1997, USA Today said on Saturday. Armstrong, a survivor of testicular cancer, stepped down as a board member in November.

Armstrong's planned admission, however, carries the risk of getting him sued or held reliable by those who believe he defrauded them by lying about his use of drugs, the paper reported.

(Reporting by Colleen Jenkins; Editing By Doina Chiacu)

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Youth held for raping minor girl

Chandigarh, Jan 12 (PTI) A 20-year-old youth was arrested here today for allegedly raping a minor girl on the pretext of marriage, police said. On the complaint of victim's step-father, a sweeper in a dental college here, the accused Vikas raped the 14-year-old girl on the pretext of marrying her, they said. A case has been registered against the accused, who is a taxi driver by profession. Further probes are on into the case, they added. PTI CHS DBR

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Modi draws business praise, avoids talk of higher office

By Prashant Mehra

GANDHINAGAR (Reuters) - Fresh off his re-election as chief minister of Gujarat and amid expectations he could contend to be the next prime minister, Narendra Modi avoided talk of a bigger political future during a state investment event.

Still, Modi, one of India's most popular and divisive politicians, was the star of his "Vibrant Gujarat Summit," which featured a parade of corporate heavyweights as well as foreign officials who extolled the business-friendly state and Modi's leadership even as they mostly kept clear of politics.

"In Gujarat, we see a culture of implementation, reflecting the qualities of the chief minister," Cyrus Mistry, who recently succeeded Ratan Tata as head of the Tata Group, India's biggest business house, said from a stage he shared with Modi.

In one of Modi's biggest wins, in 2008 he convinced Tata Motors to build a factory in the state for its low-cost Nano after its plans to make the car in West Bengal were disrupted by farmers.

Last month, Modi's Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) won 115 of the state assembly's 182 seats against 61 for the Congress party, which heads a national government that has been beset by corruption scandals and presided over an economy on track this fiscal year for its slowest growth in a decade.

Modi appeared to downplay ambitions for higher office, making a point of inviting delegates to the next edition of the event in 2015. "When I gave a similar invitation in 2011, the media had mocked me saying I was yet to be re-elected and was already issuing invitations. This time, there is no such problem," he said in his closing remarks, delivered in Hindi.

Modi cancelled a press conference planned for Saturday due to "urgent work," according to a text message from organisers.


Gujarat, with a long tradition of entrepreneurship, has been a magnet for industrial investment thanks in part to what is widely regarded as efficient state government, which stands in contrast to the red tape and unpredictability elsewhere in India that frustrate businesses and investors.

While Modi, 62, wins praise for that, critics have accused him of not doing enough to stop - or of even quietly encouraging - religious riots in 2002 that saw as many as 2,000 killed, most of them Muslims, which makes him a controversial choice for the BJP despite his star power.

India is due to hold national elections by 2014.

One of the few major executives in attendance to speak openly of Modi as candidate for prime minister was Sanjay Lalbhai, chairman of Arvind Ltd

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Oppose same-gotra marriage, never for honour killing: UP Khaps

Sat, Jan 12, 2013 at 21:32

Oppose same-gotra marriage, never for honour killing: UP Khaps

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Oppose same-gotra marriage, never for honour killing: UP Khaps

Oppose same-gotra marriage, never for honour killing: UP Khaps

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Oppose same-gotra marriage, never for honour killing: UP Khaps

Oppose same-gotra marriage, never for honour killing: UP Khaps

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Meerut, Jan 12 (PTI) Khap panchayats in Uttar Pradesh today said they will oppose same gotra marriages before the Supreme Court which had sought their views following a plea to curb violence against couples at the behest of such caste councils. At a meeting of over 200 khap leaders, the self-styled caste councils were "unanimous in their opposition to same gotra marriages". They, however, stressed that they have "never supported honour killings," meeting convenor Surendra Singh told reporters. The khaps also demanded that they be recognised by the government and granted legal rights. "Khap Panchayats cannot tolerate same gotra marriages. We will continue to oppose them publicly," Singh said, adding that the meeting passed two resolutions on the issues and their stand will be conveyed to the Supreme Court. Singh said that the issue of same gotra marriages was not only connected to social beliefs and traditions but there were scientific reasons to oppose such alliances. "The khap leaders said that they never supported honour killings. The intention is to check social evils and protect our traditions," he said. The meeting came days after the Supreme Court invited 'Khap Panchayats' to hear their views before issuing any order to stop them from harassing and killing couples, particularly women in name of family honour, for entering into inter-caste or intra-gotra marriages. Dealing with a PIL on khap-dictated violence, a bench of justices Aftab Alam and Ranjana Prakash Desai, said before passing any order it would like to hear the views of Khap Panchayats and said they can come before it on the next date of hearing on January 14. In the meantime, the bench had said as a pilot project it would examine the situation in three districts where the Khap panchayats are very active and summoned the superintendents of police of Rohtak and Jind districts of Haryana and that of Baghpat in Uttar Pradesh to apprise the court of the situation there. PTI CORR RT

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Woman gangraped in Gurdaspur, five arrested

Gurdaspur (Pb), Jan 12 (PTI) In a case similar to the gang-rape of a paramedic student in New Delhi, a 29-year-old woman was allegedly gang-raped by seven persons here. The victim, a resident of a Ghukla village under Kahnuwan police station, was on way to her village in a bus when the driver and conductor kidnapped her and took her an undisclosed location where they and their five accomplices gang-raped her last night, SSP Gurdaspur Raj Jeet Singh told reporters. The SSP said five of the seven accused had been arrested while two unidentified persons were still absconding. He said that based on the interrogation of the five accused, efforts were on to arrest the remaining accused. The victim in her complaint said that she was coming from her parent's village Jagatpur district Pathankot in a bus but the driver Daler Singh did not stop the vehicle at the bus stand in the village. Her request to conductor Ravi to ask the driver to stop the bus went unnoticed. They took her to some place near Gurdaspur, where five of their friends joined them and gang-raped the woman in a house, the police official said. The next morning, the driver dumped the woman in a near her village, he said adding, first she went to her house and them came to the police station to make her complaint. A case under section 376 of IPC (punishment for rape) was registered against the seven accused, Singh said. The five arrested were identified as Daler Singh, Ravi, Jaswinder Singh, Jagpreet Singh and Satwant Singh, he said. The two absconders will be soon arrested and teams have been formed to nab them, he said. Police said that the FIR was registered this evening. The woman would be sent for medical examination, they said adding in the preliminary interrogation, the accused confessed to their crime. PTI Corr AKA CHS KAS

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Pakistani Shi'ite keep second night of vigil over 96 bomb victims

By Gul Yousufzai

QUETTA, Pakistan (Reuters) - Pakistani government officials met with Shi'ite leaders late on Saturday as thousands of protesters prepared for a second night in the cold rain, alongside the bodies of 96 people killed in one of the worst sectarian attacks in the country's history.

Leaders of Shi'ite Hazaras, the ethnic group which was the target of Friday's twin bombings in the provincial capital Quetta, have vowed not to bury their dead until authorities promise to protect them from a rising tide of sectarian attacks.

Around 2,000 people spent Friday night outside keeping vigil at the site of the bombings - claimed by the Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LeJ) Sunni militant group - spreading plastic sheets over the shrouded bodies to keep the rain off them.

By Saturday, the number had swelled to around 5,000.

Muslim tradition requires that bodies are buried as soon as possible and leaving them above ground is a powerful expression of grief and pain.

A delegation led by Federal Minister for Religious Affairs Syed Khurshid Shah met Shi'ite leaders after they complained about what they believe is the indifference of most Pakistani politicians to their plight.

Syed Dawood Agha, the vice president of the Shi'ite Conference of Quetta, said negotiations were underway with the government but nothing had been decided by Saturday night.

Small protests were also held in the cities of Lahore, Karachi and the capital of Islamabad, where around two hundred protesters held candles and placards demanding an end to attacks on Shi'ites, who make up 20 percent of Pakistan's population.

Parliamentarian Bushra Gohar from the Awami National Party (ANP) was the only prominent politician attending the protest in the capital.

She said there were several reasons why officials had been slow to respond: support for militants, fear or indifference.

"It could be pure callousness," she said. "Many political parties also support these groups. They are proxies."

Security policy in Pakistan is dominated by the army, which denies accusations it retains ties to militant groups, in part to counter the influence of India.

The ruling Pakistan People's Party (PPP), which has seen some of its own senior politicians gunned down, has often been unwilling to speak out against militants for fear of being killed.

(Additional reporting by Katharine Houreld; Writing by Katharine Houreld; Editing by Myra MacDonald)

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Two killed, 10 injured in road accident

Written By Unknown on Sabtu, 05 Januari 2013 | 23.24

Raigarh (C'garh), Jan 5 (PTI) Two persons were killed and ten injured when the vehicle they were travelling in overturned at Lakha highway near here today. The incident took place this afternoon when a van carrying about 15 devotees from Laripani village on way to a temple at Chandrapur overturned after a tyre burst, City's Superintendent of Police Neha Pandey said. One Dhanmati Rathod (35) and Ambik Sarthi (38) died in the incident while ten others sustained injuries and were admitted to hospital, the SP said, adding the vehicle was seized and further investigations were on. PTI SNG ABC PMS PTP

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Four held in Thane for killing cop in Bihar

Thane, Jan 5 (PTI) Four persons, who allegedly shot dead a police constable in Bihar around a fortnight back, were arrested in Thane in the wee hours today, police said. The four accused have been identified as Amitkumar Jha, Navnitkumar Singh, Deva Panjiar and Roshankumar Panjiar, police said adding that all of them were aged between 30 and 35 years. "On December 21 last year, these four accused had snatched a service pistol of police constable Gangesh Kumar and shot him dead while he was on patrol duty. The deceased was attached to Rosada police station in Samastipur town in Bihar," Additional Superintendent of Police (Thane rural) Sangramnsinh Nishandar told reporters here today. Even though Bihar police later recovered the pistol, the accused were at large, Nishandar said adding that the the four accused wanted the service pistol to carry out criminal activities. Following the incident, Bihar police had formed a special task force to nab them and were in constant touch with various police stations across the country, Nishandar said. During the course of investigation DSP of Samastipur in Bihar got a tip-off that the accused were in Shirdi town in Maharashtra and that some of the accused had even asked their family members to deposit some cash into a bank account. Police came to know that the bank account number given was from Bhiwandi town. Thane police traced the whereabouts of the account-holder, who was later taken into custody. During the interrogation, he revealed that the four accused were in Kalyan to board a train to Patna. A trap was laid at Kalyan railway station last night and around 2 am, a police team led by Local Crime Branch Inspector Fatesingh Patil, finally spotted the quartet and nabbed them, Nishandar said. (More) PTI CORR NP HKS PTP

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Haryana to bear treatment expenses of rape victim

Rewari, Jan 5 (PTI) The Haryana Government announced today that it will bear the entire expenses spent on the treatment of the girl, who was allegedly raped by her relative here in November last year. Rewari Deputy Commissioner C G Rajini Kaanthan told reporters here that the state government will bear all the treatment expenses of the girl, belonging to the city. He said that he had received instructions from Haryana Chief Minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda in this regard. The 18-year-old girl was raped by her Delhi-based relative identified as Deepak (23) on November 3, 2012. However, soon after the sexual assault when the girl tried to flee, the accused fired a bullet from his pistol which hit the victim in her chest and got stuck there. Subsequently the doctors, who provided treatment to the girl, opined that the removal of the bullet could endanger her life. The bullet had been lying stuck in her chest till date. Kaanthan further said they are now consulting specialists who are expected to remove bullet from her chest without endangering her life. Meanwhile, the city police, which had already arrested the accused, produced him in a local court yesterday which remanded him in 14-day judicial custody. PTI COR CHS DBR

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18-year-old girl gang-raped in Chhattisgarh; three held

Raipur, Jan 5 (PTI) An 18-year-old girl was allegedly raped by three teenagers in Bemtara district of Chhattisgarh, police said today. All the three accused, who allegedly committed the crime on Thursday night, were arrested today, said a top police officer. "The accused Fusku Ram (19), Golu (18) and Kunal (19) attacked and robbed the victim's male friend near a pond on the outskirts of Chakravai village on Thursday night when the duo were returning from a fair, and then took turns to rape her", IG (Durg Range) Ashok Juneja told PTI/Bhasha today. The trio were picked up after the victim approached the police yesterday, he said. Meanwhile, a 16-year-old girl was allegedly sexually assaulted on Thursday night by her 19-year-old neighbour Kamlesh Sahare in Bhilai town. "The accused entered the girl's house in Indira Nagar area after finding her alone and raped her", said Juneja. Kamlesh has been absconding after committing the crime and a search is on to trace him, the IG said. PTI SNG NSK HKS PTP

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US court to hear rights violation case against Badal on Jan 29

From Yoshita Singh New York, Jan 5 (PTI) A US judge in Wisconsin will hold an evidentiary hearing on January 29 in a human rights violation case filed by a Sikh rights group against Punjab Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal. Judge Rudolph Randa would hear the case after a motion was filed last month to solve the basic jurisdictional issues and seek the court's protection against the alleged intimidation and abuse to the families of the plaintiffs in India by the "agents of Badal," rights group Sikhs for Justice (SFJ), one of the plaintiffs in the case, said. The other plaintiff in the case SAD (Amritsar) headed by Simranjit Singh Mann allege that several individuals were tortured during the Badal regime. The lawsuit has been filed against Badal in the US federal court under Alien Torts Claims Act and Torture Victims Protection Act on the charges of custodial torture and shielding police officers responsible for torture, extra judicial killings and continuous human rights violations against the Sikh community in Punjab. A law firm representing Badal had sought dismissal of the human rights violation case citing that his client was not served the court papers when he had visited a high school in Oak Creek following the shooting massacre in a gurudwara in August. During the evidentiary hearing, SFJ seeks to challenge Badal's claim that he was not present at the Oak Creek High School where a ceremony was being held in the memory of the Sikh victims of Wisconsin gurudwara shooting. Badal has claimed he was at a different location in Milwaukee. Pannun said to refute Badal's claim, evidence and witnesses would be presented in court to prove that Badal was personally served the court papers by a professional process server from 'State Processing Service Inc'. PTI YAS WAJ

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Buddhadeb calls on CPIM workers not to bow to attacks

Chandipur(WB), Jan 05 (PTI) Ahead of the panchayat elections in West Bengal, former chief Minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee today told CPIM workers not to capitulate to attacks at places, including Nandigram, and claimed that the Mamata Banerjee government was a 'failure'. "TMC is attacking our workers at various places including Nandigram. Our party offices have been attacked and captured. Panchayat funds are being siphoned off. Shall we accept this? We will see the end of it," the CPIM leader told a Krishak Sabha meeting here near Nandigram. Admitting that the task ahead was tough, he said, "TMC government has failed to perform in the last 19 months and given false promises. The people are realising it gradually. We have to reach out to all sections of the people." Recalling the past, the former chief minister reiterated that the previous Left Front government wanted to build another Haldia in Nandigram, but did not go ahead when the people opposed it. He reiterated that the police did not go to Nandigram to acquire land but to stop unrest and fight Maoists there. "The people did not believe the presence of Maoists at Nandigram who came from Lalgarh and other states at that time, now they are believing it," he said. Bhattacharjee said that not 14, but eight people were killed in police firing at Nandigram. Six others were killed in violence, he claimed. Dubbing the TMC as a party of the rich, he said "party chief Mamata Banerjee did not oppose the policies of the central government when she was union minister." PTI SUN BSM PC HKS DKC

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Cong gives suggestions to Verma panel, disfavours chemical

Sat, Jan 05, 2013 at 21:02

Cong gives suggestions to Verma panel, disfavours chemical

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Cong gives suggestions to Verma panel, disfavours chemical

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Cong gives suggestions to Verma panel, disfavours chemical

Cong gives suggestions to Verma panel, disfavours chemical

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castration New Delhi, Jan 5 (PTI) Congress today submitted its suggestions on stringent laws for crimes against women to Justice J S Verma Committee even as it disfavoured chemical castration of rapists. Party General Secretary Janardan Dwivedi said the suggestions have been given to the panel set up in the wake of the gang-rape incident in Delhi that led to outrage across the country. While details of the suggestions given to the committee were not immediately known, the party has been favouring imprisonment up to 30 years for rapists and setting up of fast-track courts as also redefining the juvenile act by reducing the age limit. Leaders like Renuka Chaudhary had sought chemical castration of rapists but the party has made it clear that no such suggestion has been made by party chief Sonia Gandhi. Gandhi had recently held a meeting with top leaders as also experts for consultations over the issue. The suggestions were given a day after the party top brass, including Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Gandhi, held deliberations. The Verma committee was set up on December 23 with a mandate to review the present statute so as to provide for speedier justice and enhanced punishment in cases of aggravated sexual assault. The committee has to submit its report in 30 days. PTI SPG PAL

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Stud farm owner Hasan Ali permitted to be taken to Mumbai

Patna, Jan 5 (PTI) A district court here today permitted Mumbai police to take Pune-based stud farm owner Hasan Ali Khan with them to Mumbai for production in another case. Hasan was sent to jail custody till January 17 by Chief Judicial Magistrate Ramakant Yadav yesterday in a case relating to a forged passport, registered at Kotwali police station here. The Mumbai police today filed an application before the CJM for his production before Mumbai Principal Judge Swapan Joshi in another case, which was accepted. The CJM directed to produce Hasan before him on January 17. The Patna court had issued a production warrant against him in an FIR lodged here in 2011. The matter relates to issue of a passport from Patna in December, 2010, allegedly on the basis of wrong information furnished in the application. Khan had applied for a passport in 2007. After detecting irregularities, the Patna Passport office had registered an FIR at the Kotwali police station in 2011. Khan had hit the headlines recently in connection with a tax evasion case. He allegedly siphoned off a huge sum of money abroad without paying tax. PTI COR SNS AMD AVT

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Fire at IOC depot in Gujarat; no casualties reported

NEW DELHI (Reuters) - A fire erupted and spread at a fuel storage terminal of state-run Indian Oil Corp in Hazira in Gujarat on Saturday, a company executive said, an incident which may force India's largest refiner to import fuel.

No casualties were reported from the fire, whose cause was not immediately clear. The Hazira terminal has nine storage tanks - five gasoline and four diesel.

The tank where the blaze started had about 5,000 kilolitres of gasoline, almost half of its capacity, when it caught fire.

"Because of wind the fire has spread to another petrol tank. We can see smoke coming out of second petrol tank as well. It had substantial volumes," said N Srikumar, executive director at the company.

Srikumar had said earlier that Indian Oil was looking into the cause of the fire that broke out in the afternoon and that authorities were trying to cool the other tankers at the depot by sprinkling water on them.

Indian Oil, which meets about half of the country's domestic fuel demand, along with its subsidiary, Chennai Petroleum Corp (CHPC.NS), control 10 refineries accounting for about 31 percent of the national capacity of 4.3 million barrels per day (bpd).

(Reporting by Nidhi Verma; Writing by Arup Roychoudhury; Editing by Mark Heinrich)

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Peace talks with Meghalaya militant group concludes

Shillong, Jan 5 (PTI) Central interlocutor P C Haldar today concluded peace talks with the Garo Hills-based militant outfit Achik National Volunteer Council in Meghalaya, which was under a tripartite ceasefire agreement from 2004. Joint Secretary (North East), Ministry of Home Affairs, Shambhu Singh, termed the talks as successful. "The text has been frozen and it will go through a process of various approvals including the approval of the state cabinet and the union cabinet before the final document is signed by parties concerned," he said. One of the key demands of the ANVC was for creation of a Garoland Autonomous Council similar to the Bodoland Territorial Council. While the state government did not agree to this demand, the Centre and state conceded to 13 demands which included expansion of the powers of the district council, Singh said. Welcoming the peace initiative, Chief Minister Mukul Sangma said people of Garo Hills region have suffered enough from militancy, which has caused immense hardship to them. "They now look forward to reverting to a period of peace, harmony, growth and development. Let us all work together to grant them this as a New Year gift," the Chief Minister said. A cabinet meeting, scheduled for Monday, was expected to take a final call on the 'historic' pact with the militant outfit, sources said. PTI JOP PC AVT

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