Ways to secure and safeguard your dream home

Written By Unknown on Sabtu, 08 November 2014 | 23.24

Devika Ghosh

With increasing standard of living comes many a perils of modern day lifestyle – be it burglary, fire or theft. You wouldn't want all your hard earned money going down the drain just because of your carelessness or lack of awareness. Moving away from the 'It can't happen to me' mindset, more and more people have become aware of the real dangers in terms of guarding their homes and other assets.

Even in the recent past, most people considered security systems to be a luxury. But today's advanced technologies allow most individuals to go for more reliable, effective and affordable security systems.

Alarms and surveillance systems are some of the sure shot ways of guarding your home. Residences equipped with home security systems will trigger immediate alarms, in case of a break-in, thus alerting the police.

According to recent studies, houses equipped with home security systems are three times less likely to become the target of burglaries than ones without.

Some of the best ways of protecting your home are listed below:

Burglar Alarm: With burglar alarm prices coming down, more and more households are going in for it to secure their homes. The do it yourself - wired or wireless – systems, setting off an alarm in case of a break-in is the most popular form of burglar alarm.

These alarms come in two forms - open and closed circuit. Open circuit systems work when a window or a door is opened, the circuit is immediately completed and the alarm goes off, while closed work when a window or door is opened, the circuit is broken - also setting off the alarm.

Security cameras: One of the most advanced and newest ways of guarding your home, information and data is by installing an IP security camera. Compared to the old, traditional security cameras, an IP security camera converts data directly and stores it on an identifiable source, like a hard disk.

Security system: Enable separate alarms for doors and windows and install live monitoring system service. Also, it is also imperative that you invest in a good outdoor alarm system and proper locks.

Fireproof safes and smoke detectors: To guard your valuables against one of the most harmful and powerful forces of nature – fire – adequate security needs to be in place, which includes fireproof safes and smoke detectors.

Mobile Apps for home security: With the smartphone age, this article would be incomplete without a mention of mobile phone apps for home securities. You can choose from many a apps to ensure that if in case there is a break-in attempt, you get an immediate notification on your cell phone. The advanced technology also allows you to watch live videos of what is happening around your home, switch off and on your lights, appliances and thermostat. There is a home security system app available for you whether you want complete home automation or just basic controls.

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Ways to secure and safeguard your dream home

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