Buy Sun Pharmaceuticals, Lupin: Sandeep Shah

Written By Unknown on Sabtu, 23 Agustus 2014 | 23.24

According to Sandeep Shah of Motilal Oswal Private Wealth Management, one may buy Sun Pharmaceuticals and Lupin.

Sandeep Shah of Motilal Oswal Private Wealth Management told CNBC-TV18, "If you continue to own  Sun Pharmaceutical and  Lupin Ltd there is no reason to exit. Those stocks will continue to compound at 20-25 percent, you can still look to buy those names if one want a little more beta in your portfolio."

He further added, "One can continue to look at stocks like  Divis Laboratories which has not been performing in a linear trend but it is still fairly a high quality company. You still have the second highest margins in pharmaceuticals after Sun Pharmaceuticals what is perhaps the highest return on capital employed and return on equity (ROE) in the space, so that remains a quality name as well."

"What is also happening is that the market is beginning to come to terms of the fact that in spite of having an economy which is recovering, in spite of having investor's faith back in India's economy and its government, the fact that the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is tends to prefer a relatively weaker currency the fact that the RBI prefers to shore up their forex reserves at every available opportunity is one of the reason why IT and Pharmaceuticals stocks continue to do well only one of the reason of course there is a strong underlying fundamental reason there as well," Shah said.

He further said, "There are lot of other ideas also one could look at but one would need to do company wise specific research and for stocks like Sun Pharmaceuticals and Lupin any correction is a good time to buy them."

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Buy Sun Pharmaceuticals, Lupin: Sandeep Shah

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