Make smart move don't pay off your mortgage early

Written By Unknown on Sabtu, 21 Juni 2014 | 23.24

Sukanya Kumar

Many people jump at the first opportunity to pay off their mortgage, and while it may seem like a great financial relief, a closer look can help us uncover the advantages of holding on to a mortgage until the end of its tenure.

There may be a belief that paying off a mortgage delivers peace of mind, financial freedom and a sense of financial security, but this belief may be short-lived once you compare it to the benefits of holding on to your mortgage. Many of my clients start off with this view, and it's surprising how many of them don't consider the benefits of not paying off your mortgage early. For a person unaware, it is an astonishing eye opener as its counter intuitive to their thinking. Let take a closer look at these benefits. 

#1 It's the cheapest loan available in India
With the current interest rate levels of home loans, it is certainly the cheapest form of credit available in India. Other financial lending products such as personal loans, educational loan, credit cards and business loans are significantly more expensive than home loan products. So this begs the question, why pay off the cheapest loan? Rather, it's better to pay off the other types of loans and hang on to your mortgage.

#2 Maximise on the retirement premium
Over the years with increase in inflation and cost of living, it is scary, at the least, to imagine living without a regular inflow of funds post retirement. Understanding this fear, retirement products to secure your future are available form banks today. In case of extra funds, it would make logical sense to invest this surplus into retirement products allowing one to have access to funds post retirement. It is advisable that people invest into these products rather than using them to repay the mortgage.

#3 It's a tax saving investment
Sections in the Income Tax Act, namely 24(b) and 80EE, allow for significant deductions on the interest payable on a housing loan. These deductions are major advantages of not paying off your mortgage early. Why pay it off and lose the tax benefit?

# 4 Saving for emergencies
We live in a world of uncertainty, and the need for surplus funds may arise at any time. It is always a good idea to keep a contingency fund for unplanned medical, repair, and accidental expenses that may just pop up their ugly head every once in a while. Surplus funds should be used as a contingency corpus for these types of expenses that none of us can predict.

# 5 Enjoying your retirement
After working for most of your life, we all deserve to enjoy our post-retirement phase. Saving for traveling the world, spoiling your grand kids, and just plain enjoying your life is a great idea. Most people spend 25-30% of their lifetime's earning post-retirement, why spend it in a cash-poor and miserable way? Invest into enjoying this phase of your life from now, and avoid using free funds in foreclosing your mortgage.

After analyzing the benefits, it's easy to see why you should resist foreclosing your home loan sooner than required. There are much better ways to use your surplus funds, and these methods are bound to give you true financial security, peace of mind and happiness. Maybe counter intuitive, but definitely the smarter move!

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Make smart move don't pay off your mortgage early

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