Weather conditions in Bhopal and Jabalpur during pre-monsoon season

Written By Unknown on Sabtu, 22 Maret 2014 | 23.24

In the transition period of March, Madhya Pradesh experiences weather induced by systems occurring in both North and Peninsular India.

In the month of March, the Western Disturbances originating in the higher reaches of North India are usually strong enough to reach till parts of Madhya Pradesh. On the other hand, any discontinuity of winds in South India also travels up to Central India, affecting the temperature and rain profile of the region.

To understand the weather conditions in this region, we will take into consideration the two cities of Bhopal and Jabalpur. Though these places are situated 200 kms apart, they experience similar weather conditions, according to latest weather update by Skymet Meteorology Division in India.

Bhopal and Jabalpur could be referred to as the rainbow cities and seven meteorological factors dominate weather here.

Slackened Pressure Gradient- In the coming days, the pressure pattern is going to change here and it will come under the low pressure belt. In April, only a single isobar and very low pressure gradient could be observed. Light wind field- The winds are predominately light during this time and might pick up at times only due to any local thunderstorms or the like. Humidity- The humidity remains less, proving some comfort in extremely hot conditions. With temperatures shooting up, it would have been unbearable if the humidity levels were high. Western Disturbance- As already mentioned, the induced low pressure of the Western Disturbance is generally strong enough to affect these cities. Discontinuity of winds- weather systems like discontinuity of winds in South India affects weather in Bhopal and Jabalpur. However, they remain aloof from any impact of systems arising in the north or south. Cyclonic circulations- At times cyclonic circulations develop in the region, giving rise to thunderstorms. Good visibility conditions- Madhya Pradesh being on the southern latitudes is not affected by the deserts of Rajasthan and visibility conditions remain fairly good. Local pollutants might affect visibility and the impact on environment is only anthropogenic and not meteorological.  Rain and temperature

Bhopal- The average maximum for the month of March in Bhopal is 33.5 but the maximum might reach 40°C. The all-time high was 40.7°C, recorded on 29th of March, 1996.  The average maximum rises to 38.4°C in April and further to 40.7°C in May.

Jabalpur- The mean average for March here is 33.6°C. The highest maximum in the last 10 years was 36.3°C, recorded on 30th of March, 2010. The temperature profile here is very similar to Bhopal and the average maximum for the month of April and May are 38.9°C and 41.4°C, respectively.

Rain in both the cities remains minimal and occasional thunderstorm activity might not bring rain always.

picture courtesy- deccanchronicle


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Weather conditions in Bhopal and Jabalpur during pre-monsoon season

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