SRS Holdings India merged with BTL Investments: SRS Real Infra

Written By Unknown on Sabtu, 21 September 2013 | 23.25

Sep 21, 2013, 07.02 PM IST

SRS Real Infrastructure says that SRS Holdings India Limited, a promoter & Holding Company has been merged with one of the promoter group company namely, BTL Investments & Securities Limited.

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SRS Holdings India merged with BTL Investments: SRS Real Infra

SRS Real Infrastructure says that SRS Holdings India Limited, a promoter & Holding Company has been merged with one of the promoter group company namely, BTL Investments & Securities Limited.

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SRS Holdings India merged with BTL Investments: SRS Real Infra

SRS Real Infrastructure says that SRS Holdings India Limited, a promoter & Holding Company has been merged with one of the promoter group company namely, BTL Investments & Securities Limited.

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SRS Holdings India merged with BTL Investments: SRS Real Infra

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