'Google Impact Challenge' launches in India

Written By Unknown on Sabtu, 17 Agustus 2013 | 23.24

Google this week launched the Google Impact Challenge in India. It was the second such challenge to be held globally by the tech giant. The challenge aims to identify for not-for-profits or NGOs that plan to innovatively use technology to solve some of India's most pressing social problems. Google will provide hands-on technical assistance and mentorship to four selected startups who will each receive Rs 3 crore in the global impact award as well.

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Rajan Anandan, Vice President and Managing Director of Google India told CNBC-TV18 to about the challenge. He said that if the technology is in an area where Google has a lot of expertise he will make sure that the engineering and product management teams will be mentors to these startups.

However, it won't be very deep, in that they will send there engineers to work with an NGO to build product but in terms of mentorship, in terms of guidance, in terms of looking at the architecture, thinking to how to deploy the technology. So, that is on the technical assistance. The other area where they will be quite helpful is they actually know how to deploy solutions at scale given what we have done over the years. "So, whether it is from marketing, sales, business development standpoint again our teams are very excited to work with some of these NGOs to help them, mentor them, to implement their program," he said.

Participants can apply online by September 5 and the team at Google will announce 10 finalists on October 21 and only four will make it to the finals on October 31. Of the four finalists, three will be chosen by the judges and the fourth by public opinion.

Anandan said he would encourage not-for-profits who apply to the Global Impact Challenge to think very big, think about how they can make a material impact on India. Then, to really horn in on what are the specific issues, understand the root cause of the problem that they are trying to solve. In the end to figure out what is the innovative, creative way in which one can use technology to solve that problem. Our view is if it was very easy somebody would have already done it. "Focusing on big problems that are hard to solve by using technology in interesting way is what we are hoping to see come out of this," he added.

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