Internet censorship only builds hatred: Jimmy Wales

Written By Unknown on Sabtu, 06 Juli 2013 | 23.24

Jul 06, 2013, 05.06 PM IST

Wikipedia's Jimmy Wales says internet censorship is never good. According to him, people today are more aware of these issues and the fact that their governments may not always have the best of intentions.

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Internet censorship only builds hatred: Jimmy Wales

Wikipedia's Jimmy Wales says internet censorship is never good. According to him, people today are more aware of these issues and the fact that their governments may not always have the best of intentions.

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Internet censorship only builds hatred: Jimmy Wales

Wikipedia's Jimmy Wales says internet censorship is never good. According to him, people today are more aware of these issues and the fact that their governments may not always have the best of intentions.

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Wikipedia's Jimmy Wales says internet censorship is never good. According to him, people today are more aware of these issues and the fact that their governments may not always have the best of intentions.

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Internet censorship only builds hatred: Jimmy Wales

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Internet censorship only builds hatred: Jimmy Wales

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Internet censorship only builds hatred: Jimmy Wales

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