Sweetcouch, the latest online window shopping destination

Written By Unknown on Sabtu, 13 April 2013 | 23.24

Apr 13, 2013, 06.40 PM IST

Source: Tech2.com

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Sweetcouch, the latest online window shopping destination

Though online shopping has indefinite advantages, many users still miss wandering around and indulging in window shopping...

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Sweetcouch, the latest online window shopping destination

Though online shopping has indefinite advantages, many users still miss wandering around and indulging in window shopping...

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Though online shopping has indefinite advantages, many users still miss wandering around and indulging in "window shopping". We were approached by one such site called Sweetcouch.com that aims at providing a "window shopping" experience right at the comfort of your couch. In an attempt to create a window shopping place, the site comes with a Pinterest-like interface (similar to TheFancy.com), showing large image thumbnails of several products. Just hover over the product image and you will see options to buy it instantly or add it to your wishlist of products that you plan to buy later. Sweetcouch has been live for the past six months, but it was launched in January for public. And in the past one month, approximately 2.5 million products were viewed on Sweetcouch, claims the site.

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Sweetcouch, the latest online window shopping destination

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