Surface phone will be very bad for us, admits Nokia

Written By Unknown on Sabtu, 09 Maret 2013 | 23.24

Mar 09, 2013, 08.25 PM IST

The Finnish company has acknowledged a Surface phone as a possible threat in its law-mandated risks filing. As per law, Nokia has to set out what it perceives...


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Surface phone will be very bad for us, admits Nokia

The Finnish company has acknowledged a Surface phone as a possible threat in its law-mandated risks filing. As per law, Nokia has to set out what it perceives...

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Surface phone will be very bad for us, admits Nokia

The Finnish company has acknowledged a Surface phone as a possible threat in its law-mandated risks filing. As per law, Nokia has to set out what it perceives...

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It's been a while since we've heard anything about the Surface phone—last November, in fact—but we've never actually truly believed there's one coming. But do you want to know who does? Nokia. The Finnish company has acknowledged a Surface phone as a possible threat in its law-mandated risks filing. As per law, Nokia has to set out what it perceives as a risk to its business in filings to the SEC, which were dug up by ZDNet. In their 2012 statement, Nokia said that the risk comes from the possibility that Microsoft could cut their investment in the OS or completely pull the plug on the operating system.

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