Amazon to acquire book recommendations site Goodreads

Written By Unknown on Sabtu, 30 Maret 2013 | 23.24

Mar 30, 2013, 05.55 PM IST


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Amazon to acquire book recommendations site Goodreads

Know Goodreads? Well, Amazon today announced that it is in the process of acquiring it. Goodreads, ...

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Amazon to acquire book recommendations site Goodreads

Know Goodreads? Well, Amazon today announced that it is in the process of acquiring it. Goodreads, ...

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Know Goodreads? Well, Amazon today announced that it is in the process of acquiring it. Goodreads, the site for book recommendations, is where book lovers can find and share the books they love. While the terms of the acquisition were not made known, Russ Grandinetti, Amazon Vice President, Kindle Content, said, "Amazon and Goodreads share a passion for reinventing reading. Goodreads has helped change how we discover and discuss books and, with Kindle, Amazon has helped expand reading around the world. In addition, both Amazon and Goodreads have helped thousands of authors reach a wider audience and make a better living at their craft. Together we intend to build many new ways to delight readers and authors alike."

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