Written By Unknown on Sabtu, 29 Desember 2012 | 23.24

President Mukherjee led India in mourning the death of President Mukherjee led India in mourning the death of the girl and described her as the "brave daughter of India" and that all steps to bring the perpetrators of this "ghastly crime" to justice should be taken. "She was a brave and courageous girl who fought till the very last minute for her dignity and her life. She is a true hero and symbolises the best in Indian youth and women...The nation will mourn the passing of this brave daughter of India," the President said in his condolence message. Prime Minister Singh expressed the hope that the entire political class and civil society will set aside narrow sectional interests and agenda to make India a demonstrably safer place to live in. The Congress President said the fight of nation's "beloved daughter" will not go in vain, promising "swift and fitting punishment" to perpetrators as well as stringent laws for women protection. In New Delhi, police invoked murder charges against the six men allegedly involved in the gang-rape and said it will be their endeavour to ensure the "harshest punishment in the book" to the culprits. "We hope to file the charge sheet by the 3rd of January 2013. Section 302 of IPC, which is the penal section for murder, has been added in the case," Dharmendra Kumar, Special Commissioner of Police (Law and Order), said. The autopsy of the victim was done by a Singaporean Medical Team and the report will be made available to investigators at the earliest. Meanwhile, Strait Times reported that the casket hearse carrying the gang rape victim left its Geylang Bahru premises at 8.50 pm local time. Her body was embalmed at a funeral parlour in Singapore. PTI SJS TAQ PNT SNK ETB SOM SMJ MPB SJY ETB NSA

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